Friday, July 22, 2011

Graduation Day!

Graduation Day was so wonderful! My feelings that morning were of an overwhelming peace, gratitude and excitement. I was filled with emotion as all the graduates came walking in and I couldn't help but feel so much pride for Josh. He has worked so hard and put in MANY long hours to accomplish his dream of becoming an architect and the day had come. I felt so grateful to our Heavenly Father for the guidance he had given us during our years in school and for the blessing education is in our lives. Knowing we were where we were supposed to be and that we have done and would continue to do all that we can to put Heavenly Father first, brought so much peace to my heart and an affirmation that He would continue to bless us as we enter this new adventure in life.

The President of the University spoke that morning and said that this was the largest graduating spring class in UNLV's history.

Josh above is with a few of his friends that he has gone through the program with. And today was extra special because Josh's aunt Jeannie graduated with her Bachelors. Josh couldn't resist the opportunity to hug his aunt and let her know how proud of her he was.

Such a great day! Thank you to all of our family and friends for the constant support and love you have given us through this adventure. We could not have done it without you!

As Josh and I have talked about the blessings that have come to us in our 5 years of marriage we both believe the greatest blessings have been our beautiful daughter Madelyn and our upcoming son who will join us this November. We are so grateful for the privilege to parent these children of God and hope that we will be able to instill in them the desire to fulfill their own hopes and dreams and to live worthily of the blessings that are in store for them.

1 comment:

Stephen and Kjerstin said...

Congratulations to Josh!! I miss you guys!!