Well, to update everyone that already doesn't know, the newest addition to our family came 3 weeks ago. Madelyn Elizabeth was born the 4th of this month at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 in. long. She is truly a great blessing to our lives and I can't imagine not having her. Jody did really well during the delivery, the only thing that sucked was she progressed so quickly from a 4 to an 8 that she didn't end up getting the epidural until she was at an eight. I hope I never have to see Jody in that much pain ever again. Madelyn is a very happy baby and continues to make us laugh with her random spells of smiles. I love holding her and dressing her up in her cute outfits, I am truly a proud papa. The only thing that would make it more enjoyable is if I weren't in school right now, but what am I going to do. I also finished Maddy's room and surprised Jody with it on Labor Day. I had so much fun designing it and making the decor and it goes perfectly with the bed set that my Mom gave us. THANKS MOM!
Well, I have to go back to work now, so I wish everyone a happy haunting this Halloween.